Simmer dim
(Scot) the night-long twilight found in the Northern Isles around midsummer
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- Simmering
verb (used without object) 1. to cook or cook in a liquid at or just below the boiling point. 2. to make a gentle murmuring sound, as liquids cooking just below the boiling point. 3. to be in a state of subdued or restrained activity, development, excitement, anger, etc.: The town simmered with rumors. verb […]
- Simmonds disease
Simmonds disease Sim·monds disease (sĭm’əndz) n. Extreme and progressive emaciation, loss of body hair, and premature aging caused by atrophy or destruction of the anterior lobe of the pituitary. Also called hypophysial cachexia, pituitary cachexia.
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noun, Slang. 1. a dollar.
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[sahy-muh n boh-kuh-ney-gruh, -neg-ruh] /ˈsaɪ mən ˌboʊ kəˈneɪ grə, -ˈnɛg rə/ noun 1. an opera (1857) by Giuseppe Verdi.
- Simon bolivar
noun 1. Simón [sahy-muh n;; Spanish see-mawn] /ˈsaɪ mən;; Spanish siˈmɔn/ (Show IPA), (“El Libertador”) 1783–1830, Venezuelan statesman: leader of revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule. 2. Pico, a mountain in W Venezuela, in the Cordillera Mérida: highest elevation in Venezuela. 16,411 feet (5007 meters). noun 1. Simon (siˈmon). 1783–1830, South American soldier […]