the time you are antic-p-ting something for a while. usually too long.
dave: what are you doing sue?
sue: nothing really…juswating for the lettuce to dry.
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- Peter Tucker
you have to both sh-t and p-ss in a john q. public. when you enter the restroom, you find a little john awaiting you. since you have to both sh-t and p-ss, you do the “peter tucker”, ie, tuck your weiner, so as to avoid hitting your p-ck-rhead on the inside of the toilet. this […]
jack your d-ck off trying to make this more popular than yolo yo lance, jydo.
- Taco Salad
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from zergling. the weakest unit in the game starcraft who has been fully upgraded with adrenal glands and metabolic boost. becomes incredible fast moving and fast attacking, offsetting many weaknesses. derived from the idea that the zergling is “on crack”. in large enough numbers, a swarm of cracklings can easily destroy more powerful units such […]
- basic instruction
a jigger of well bourbon, split on the counter, wiped up with a rag, wrung out over a handful of ice from the salad bowl i asked the bartender from a basic instruction and he threw me out of the bar