being s-xually attracted to corpses.
hey brian! i heard you had necrophilia, so for your birthday, i got you a corpse! you’re welcome.
28 more definitions
inter-course with a dead corpse, enjoyed by many, remember the body stays warm for up to 3 hours after death occurs, so that still almost counts as being alive, and its especially fun when rigamortis kicks in its like being strapped into the buggy on a mouse trap ride at blackpool. and if your partner dies during s-x and you’ve almost came its ok to finsh off.
i love necrophilia, but i cant stand the awkward silences.
refering to a s-xual act with the corpse of another human being.
although kenny didn’t know that his first s-xual experience was considered necrophilia, he was sure glad his parents gave him a shovel for christmas.
greek: dead-love
one who derives s-xual pleasure from cadavers
necrophilia: cause dead chicks cant say no!
necrophila the urge to crack open a cold one.
having s-xual intercoruse with a dead person.
what possible reason could you have for looking this up?
necrophilia? your mom worries about you.
an attraction of an erotic sense to the idea or act of s-xual contact with dead bodies.
betty hangs out at the mortuary every weekend.. i’m thinking she’s a necrophiliac or something.
the act of intercourse on a deceased creature. not always human or female. necrophilia is usually the result of childhood truama or the l-st for absolute control. necrophiliac, necropedophile
your dad does necrophilia
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