- ambush whistler
while whistling a song or melody, the ambush whistler will hear you and whether consciously or subconsciously start to whistle a completely different tune causing you to become distracted and off-key. common in the workplace, it is also known to happen during elevator rides, cook outs and lawn work. excuse me, i was whistling mary […]
- titty bridge
when t-tty f-cking, the hands clasped over the p-n-s while squeezing b–bs together nothing is better than a well-lubricated t-tty bridge.
- omanoble
tasty. he is omanable. that cake is oman-ble.
- stroke-me-clover
phrase coined by paddy troy an irish call for an orgie see also stroke paddy the leprechaun:stroke me clover! luke the leprechaun:il knife all you motherf-ckin knockeys
- Liquid Slut
any form of alcohol that cause females clothing to drop. very common during rush week at universitys around the nation. jared gave amanda some liquid sl-t and look at her go now.
- fanxy
when something is both fancy and s-xy at the same time, making it even better. person 1:you see that girl over there? person 2:yeah, she looks very fanxy.
- yoger bird
b-ger oger-o, beanero, buck-o, f-ck-o, d-ck-suck, -ss cuck, pig sucking, douche bag. commonly known as one of the ugliest motherf-ckers from planet x. usually -ssociated with the human feces. the lips are 2 times the average size, dripping saliva. the hair lathered with so much gel, it could suffocate the living biological life-form. black men […]
- stocking fat
the fat that spills over the edge of thigh high stockings that chubby chicks wear when they try to look s-xy for their fat accepting boyfriends. similar to pump fat stocking fat looks gross, no matter how hot the girl is in the face.
- dopplelopogous
an inncessently monterous doppleganger disgruntled person: oh no that dopplelopogous will mimic us all to death!!!!!!
- gorilla fur
thick male p-b-s covering his body to the point that he belongs in a zoo with the gorillas. “did you see the gorilla fur on that guy?! he belongs in a zoo!”
- hard pause
the abrupt halt one encounters when they realize that they are about to cr-p, they are not going to make it to the toilet, and the only chance they have of saving their pants is to stop in their tracks and clench their b-tt cheeks at tightly as possible. a hard pause is complete when […]
- erse aboot face
something being backwards. you have your pants on erse aboot face.
- culturizing
the word culturize means to create a new culture or making afford to change a community’s culture. bad language is always practiced here, we have to take actions for culturizing so as to change this bad habit.
- ctrn
abbrievation for “can’t talk right now” – commonly used online, like when someone is trying to im you and you’re really busy. or if you just don’t like them, and are pretending to be really busy. summer_girl19: omg, you will never believe what happened last night between me and michael! iluvorli_78: ctrn – working on […]
fine, f-ck off and die. from a gorillaz song, kids with guns (jamie t remix). the last line of this song is fffd. used when you aren’t getting what you want, or when someone is leading you on. chick: i’m sorry i just wanted to get coffee. i didn’t mean anything by it. you: oh […]
- Praying Flamingo
the act of “tea-bagging” while on one foot and simultaneously praying the hail mary. her mom is very religious. therefore, only the praying flamingo was appropriate.
- Tannim
a guy with a mysterious past but tries to see the brighter side. a guy who can be the sweetest boyfriend to you and always call you beautiful, even when you wear no makeup. a guy who makes lots of gay jokes but is completely straight. a guy who loves going on bike trips and […]
- Cargo Syndrome
a syndrome suffered by those who need to search through an excessive amount of pockets everytime they need to find their personal belongings. pete: ‘hey man, can you spot me $2?’ simon: ‘in a second man… im suffering from a nasty episode of cargo syndrome’
- wine trek
the act of imbibing large amounts of wine while watching hours upon hours of star trek “do you want to go out to the bars tonight?” “no i’m feeling like an alchie nerd, i think i’m going to go home and go on a wicked wine trek”
- natsuki
traditional name for short j-panese girls. that natsuki girl is vertically challenged. natsuki is a female who likes hentai.. alot. natsukis are experts at dating sims and they spend most of the day playing them. natsukis are oftenly lesbian but can sometimes be bi-s-xual as well. natsukis are crazy and come thith an r-18 label […]
- md draank
a malibu rum, orange juice, and grenadine c-cktail; i.e “dr.’s orders” i was just prescribed a md draank! skrrt!
- yardcore
a musical genre… a blend of heavy rock music, sometimes referred to as “hardcore”, mixed with jamaican riddims. “yard” is a word commonly used in place of “jamaica” (“mi come from yahd (yard)”)meaning: i come from jamaica. so yardcore is reggae/dancehall (or jamaican style music) mixed with hard rock. made popular by the fear nuttin […]
- scabby donkey
a female with very low morals a scabby donkey is a slack girl that sleeps with married men and their friends, also been known to lapdance in public places
- statasap
when you need to get somewhere/do something really fast. a mixture of stat and asap. i need ten orders of chicken fillet statasap!
- blast bitch
when a female has a habit of putting out other people’s information for attention. nah man i don’t f-ck with her she is a blast b-tch
- Blaze Pascal
a verb meaning, to get intoxicated on marijuana. a play on the name blaise pascal, a french mathematician for whom the unit of pressure, a pascal, a programming language, and pascal’s law were named after. stoner 1: i gotta joint here, let’s blaze pascal! stoner 2: oh man, i’m gonna get soooo blaze pascalled this […]
- ginny whop ginzo
somebody who does something shady, jerk-offish, or embar-ssing. “dude, put your pants back on you ginny whop ginzo”. “that ginny whop ginzo was h-tting on your girlfriend”.
- grass
marijuana lemme’ get some gr-ss yo. short vegetation that grows over large areas, usually green. gr-ss may vary in lenth, texture, width, and color. most areas in front of a home are covered with gr-ss. you can try to smoke that gr-ss, but i bet it won’t do anything. to tell on/tell over/rat out some-one […]
- Kanaki
the use of four or more p-n-ses inserted into the same m-ssive v-g-n-. definition applies to activity and group. the boys and i had a killer kanaki with dorothy last weekend. her v-g-n- was begging for more, want to join us next time?
- Adaezia
she’s completely unique. has a heat of gold. trustworthy and accepting. envied by the other girls in her group. low self-esteem, but she’s beautiful in every way. nice to everyone, even if they don’t deserve it. fun to joke around with. probably doesn’t believe this is true, but i do. adaezia… she’s the one….. you […]
- homomateriality
made up of single, particularly g-y material i appreciate the h-m-materiality of this minimalistic metal bowl
- terafuck
when your 1tb hard drive breaks -man, my 1tb hd broke last night -oh dude, you got a teraf-ck a unit of measuring how much some one got f-cked over wow did you see that, he got totally tera-f-cked
- joe-wit
mediocore, unfunny, usually applies to individuals who try too hard to be witty and fit in. 1. josh is such a joe-wit 2. that’s a joe-wit’s joke d00d a jehovah’s witness person. shes a joe-wit.
- Guatemalan Cave Snake
when a guy rubs guacamole all over his d-ck for lube and then jams it in the girl’s -ss. judy went through a lot of tp after bob gave her that guatemalan cave snake!
- cowboys-and-Indians
americanism a game by which boys dress as and act like cowboys and/or american indians as in play young american boys have played cowboys-and-indians from day one. when you are banging your girl from behind and then you reach into her -ss with your fingers and rub the sh-t (warpaint) on her face and with […]
- naijah
a bad -ss who will go the limit for her friends. do not i repeat do not f-ck with her she don’t take that bull sh-t ,she hot headed and got anger issues……well basically she real dope and you should be her friends cause she will always have your back d-mn girl get you a […]
- NaruCult
1. noun. a following of the anime naruto as if it was an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect. 2. noun a group of naruto fans who gather in one place to watch, discuss and critique episodes of naruto. the narucult was overboistrous, irritating the people around them.
- crazy trick
a stupid, crazy ho who keeps calling your house over and over again, for months after you broke up with their dumb self. guy 1-“sarah blackley left another nasty message on my answering machine cause i got to cl-ss 15 minutes late. i don’t know what her deal is, weve been broken up for like […]
- catswamp
the smell of 11 indoor cats in your residence. heather’s house is such a catswamp when you walk in.
- daese
a much more emphatic version of diss. sometimes used sarcastically to acknowledge an insult at oneself or another and at the same time turn the object of conversation from the insulted person(s) to the insult itself. usually a conversation-stopper. origin: illinois mathematics & science academy, c. 1996 john: are you always this stupid or are […]
- Pooped Off
the more appropriate term of implying that you are angry or mad during a current situation. or brought up from a past event. 1) my caught caught on fire and died this morning. now i’m just really p–ped off! 2) don’t mess with me right now, i’m just really p–ped off. 3) i think i […]
- Swaggie McGee
the art of having full swag to the highest potential. you have finally reached the highest level at the level of swaggie mcgee man, that dude over there has so much swag, he should be named swaggie mcgee.
- black heart queen
a song by the hardcore punk band gallows, quite possibly one of the best ones “black heart queen” today my heart collapsed. and the feeling in my stomachs like a knife in my back. and it’s too d-mn short for me to get a grip and pull the f-cker out before it sticks. today my […]
- fraggosite
a f-ggitised queer with nothing else to do but annoy people. “i’m about to kick that fraggosites -ss, he’s starting to annoy me.
- nyook nyook
synonym for v-g-n- andi’s (seans mom, but not rorys mom) nyook nyook is so delicious
- swaggeryacked
a term used in many different places to mean many different things. if you steal a cookie from a person you yell, “you just got swaggeryacked!”
- Oh Shit I’m going to die syndrome
defined in “how to roll a blunt for dummies” so high, you dont enjoy the high, but just feel that death is near, usually experienced when smoking some really dank weed. kid 1: oh dude, whats wrong with me? oh god, whats wrong with me?! kid 2: chill out man, you just have oh sh-t […]
- Bon Pattie
a hair style, like a bun on the top of the head that looks as if it has been kind of flattened but is still in bun-shape. “hm, i really want to squeeze a bon pattie.” “oh my g-d, she has a bon pattie!!!”
- McFisted
the act of getting f-ck over by a good friend, girlfriend or babies momma. getting mcfisted is unforgivable and resolutes in disownership of persons. that b-tch just mcfisted me, how the f-ck you going to sleep with my brother while pregent with my child….yep you got mcfisted…
- Pre-Procrastination
the art of accepting the fact that you will wind up doing a task at the last minute, so an educated decision is made just not to bother with it now and complete the task at the last minute. pre-procrastination: person 1: “are you working on your -ssignment due next week?” person 2: “nah i’ve […]