
Last Update: July 25, 2024
  • off like a prom dress

    similar to “gotta jet” or “gotta bounce”, this phrase means to leave somewhere very quickly with speed matching that of prom dress removal at a post-prom party. talk to ya later, i’m off like a prom dress. departing, or about to depart as soon as he finished his meal he was off like a prom […]

  • carab

    an extreemly hairy human thing. commonly known as ape or monkey g-d. holy sh-t that guy is as hairy as carab

  • burnt sushi

    the s-xual act of holding an open flame underneath the v-g-n- of your s-xual partner until it is charred and black. continue to eat your now burnt sushi john had burnt sushi for dinner

  • fitnessgram pacer test

    the fitnessgram™ pacer test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. the running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear a signal. a single lap should be completed each time you hear a ding. remember to run in a straight line, and run as […]

  • linkoholic

    when you just can’t refrain from clicking on all those links on wikipedia etc. i’m such a linkoholic, i spent 4 hours reading wikipedia after you sent me this article.

  • unshroovled

    to lose the trait of shroovledom. oh la la! i fear must have been unshroovled! my level of being shroovled on a scale of 1-10 is or is near the level of 1!

  • linoshka

    a girl that is smaller then those around her, likes to speak out loud and defends her self moreover, is chubby linoshka: small, chubby, outgoing, bold and somewhat idiotic guy 1: wow that girl is really small guy 2: yeah, she is trying to stop bullies guy 1: still, she is small and a little […]

  • Bye Patricia

    go away fatty we told maddy bye patricia cause she’s fat and not wanted around.

  • Thrill Burger

    something that’s totally cool and awesome. dude that’s so thrill burger! man. that is so not thrill burger.

  • shitswab

    the typical office drone that tries too hard to impress his boss, but only ends up looking like a brownnoser. josh spends his entire work day sucking up to the boss. what a f-cking sh-tswab!

  • ayeyostfu

    aye yo shut the f-ck up p: c = sscanf(packet, ‘%-3s %3i %3i %3i %3i %3i %3i %3i %3i %3i’); row = c’; data(i,:) = cat(2, row); ummmm…ayeyostfu, you’re such a noob!!!!

  • skittleydangles

    word shouted by r-t-rds person 1: skittleydangles! person2: you’re a f-cking r-t-rd

  • Nielsen

    n. a vague uncertainty that is immensely frustrating v. to give a vague uncertainty that has no meaning and frustrates the h-ll out of a person origin: named after the multi-national corporation whose name has become synonymous with moronic, meaningless corporate-speak, the name nielsen became attached to the vague, empty promises that bosses give their […]

  • boNNe

    it means a respected group that brings peace and harmony to the world (unless thers a sam around) the ghetto bonnes saw a sam and kicked his -ss

  • spider on the ceiling

    the jedi mind trick of dutch ovens. the act of blowing vile -ss vapors under the covers and then tricking your bed partner into pulling the covers over their own head by telling them that there is a spider on the ceiling. far worse than a dutch oven because they did it to themselves. stephen […]

  • Xaverians and ICANs

    group of kids who study in either xavier or ica who think that getting laid is all about wearing people are people and acting emo even through most don’t even know what the word means. icans have the most annoying accent in the world. to xaverians and icans, emo is listening to my chemical romance […]

  • tha daggar

    finguring a girl i give her tha daggar on the weekend

  • Poppin’ B’s

    to “pop a b” means to get an erection. bhagwat: whenever i think about meredith, i start poppin’ b’s left and right!

  • firenose

    extremely rare dog breed: the firenose breed was named for their brilliant red noses. though they do not actually breathe fire. the firenose breed is believed to be an ancestor to non-reptilian dragons. my champion firenose has won first prize at this years dog show!

  • my anus is wide open for you

    favoritism. person 1: hey! can you lend me a helping hand? person 2: my -n-s is wide open for you.. person 2: (making it much worse) please come in, and take a seat.

  • Meat Parlor

    alternate name for home depot -boredom- joe: hey, wanna go to home depot? bob: what? meat parlor? joe: what?

  • subconscience

    (n.) the part of you that punishes you for things you wouldn’t admit to feeling guilty about. this can be through subconscious actions that f-ck you in the -ss later, or through giving you especially bad physical effects (hangover, half-baked-ness at school, etc.) i left an empty beer can on my desk and my pops […]

  • Geektopia

    a place that brings one closer to nerdvana john visited www.geektopia.tk – and he approached a state of bliss and nerdvana.

  • bikini atoll

    a island in the pacific ocean which has a tribe of girls in bikinis. like that axe commercial. when i went to bikini atoll i got raped by the chief

  • imagilise

    to imagine the image of something. i imagilise ian somerhalder all the time

  • Tupperware Out

    a way to express getting out of an awkward situation very quickly. origin: napoleon dynamite. scene: kip tests the durability of the tupperware by running it over with uncle rico’s van. when it breaks, kip says “dang it!” and speeds off from his sale…he tupperwared out. dude, i drove to pick her up. before she […]

  • the real big dick nick

    the rea big d-ck nick is a cool strong hot muscular not so smart kid in high school that doesn’t have a girl but little do the ladies know there’s a snake in his pants and keep doubting him but he probably has the top 10 biggest c-cks in the state the real big d-ck […]

  • Big Massive

    this phrase is used to describe a person with unnaturally large lips, that resemble hot dogs. it can also be funny to put it into sentences… ”oi! big m-ssive! come over here!” ”look at that big m-ssive… fence.”

  • Wrecked Thot

    once a thot then became felicia this female (usually named amber) has no goals or ideas and does not like to earn any kind of income or pride while destroying the lives of innocent men. beware, a wrecked thot will not let you survive unless destroyed. kevin is such a moron. why does he put […]

  • soundizzle

    a n-gg-r way to say sound…..or or a wannabe way to say i got a bomb -ss system d-mn i got soundizzle in hizzle!

  • cooterphobia

    gay afraid of v-g-n- kelly has cooterphobia cause she loves p-n-s

  • Stanzy

    a pen that includes a tampon inside. i felt my period coming on, but didn’t have a tampon. thank god tapper had a stanzy in english cl-ss or i would’ve bled all over the floor.

  • Taco Crotch

    the warm sensation of a bag of tacos and burritos in your lap, usually experienced by the front seat p-ssenger in a car, after leaving the drive-through of a fast food taco restaurant. it was kind of chilly, but then i went to taco bell with chad and got taco crotch. now i’m warm. puckering […]

  • Darth Niggerish

    the most n-gg-rish mu’f-cka u know…always embarr-sses you with his incredible ability to use his “dark side” powers to be the n-gg- that other races think you are…usually must be removed from all situations by using the “force” i.e. police force, or by forcible means lol i was wondering why that job never called me […]

  • Whoreputation

    a reputation for being a wh-r-. that girl has such a wh-r-putation; i heard she’s slept with 18 guys this past year.

  • Aggressive DSD

    a s-xual position wherein the man is behind the woman and both are completley horizontal. similar to normal doggystyle but both partners are laying flat, hence “down” in dsd meaning “doggystyle down”. once doggystyle has become doggystyle down the man grabs both of the womans wrists with his left hand and as much hair as […]

  • sha-pwned

    a level of pwnage higher than that of regular pwning. requires that the pwnee is told an insult, remark, etc. that denotes his/her ability to do anything. person 1: “man you’re so stupid you thought 50 cent was money” person 2: you just got sha-pwned!

  • Shampahnyeh

    a mispr-nunciation of champagne popularized by christopher walken’s role in “the continental.” would you like some shampahnyeh?

  • rianicia

    a person who cant seem to spell anything right. “re-ssion” instead of “reason”. a possible r-t-rd. might be semi-aborted.. may also look like a character from chicken run. oh you just totally rianiciaed that sentence.

  • Blaarg

    a word that can be used to try and confuse other people. can be used as a question to add to the confusion. the most appropriate answer for the question is, of course, “blaarg”. also, blaarg can refer to the ancient race. blaarg? blaarg. the prophecies of the blaarg are coming true. general exclamation of […]

  • cambúr

    banana (in venezuela) compra una mano de cambúr.


    parents watching over my shoulders when you chat and your parents suddenly appears behind you and your chat mate are talking like more of a private thing. you say.. pwoms. :d or when your dad/mom is behind you while your chatting you say.. pwoms. :d “party without me”, acronym first used as a track t-tle […]

  • Young Swag

    a new phrase that applys to fresh, “young”, swole, individuals who rise to the occasion and blast their finger guns. this term is not to be used by nerds with no swag or even worse “negitive swag”. yo jimmy, andrew is doing some young handstand push-ups, he has mad young swag!

  • kansas city earmuffs

    when you bust a load in two barbecue filled condoms and simultaneously smack a chick over her ears right when she wakes up. allison went to bed early so i surprised her with some kansas city earm-ffs in the morning.

  • Bitchitis

    a fictional disease that causes someone to become a b-tch. to get rid of it, you have to sanitize your hands with hand sanitizer within 24 hours or you will keep it permanently. don’t touch her or else you’ll catch b-tchitis. an illness originating from weakness, some symptoms include wanting to go home early, complaining […]

  • Phily Fake Out

    when you are doing a girl from behind and you’re about to c-m you pull your c-ck out and spit on her back to make her think you j-zzed on her back. then when she turns around and looks at you, you blow your load on her face. you are doing a girl from behind […]

  • wanna dealer

    one who is a wanna be drug dealer. he thinks he is legit, but he actually just sells bags with tic tacs in them for a fortune. that wanna dealer gave me the effing mint flavor!

  • andaria

    andaria is as unique as her name is. she is pretty and she is one of the most creative people you will ever meet. andaria is the unicorn of all girls. she is beautiful, mystical and mysterious, and everybody wants to know her. she cares very deeply and has a comp-ssionate and outgoing demeanor but […]

  • tapping off

    the act of typing data into your mobile phone for texting, sending/replying to email, or im. that dumb-ss got into an accident because he was tapping off instead of keeping his eyes on the road. the act of rubbing and squeezinf the last bit of s-m-n off on or in the womans v-g-n- or mouth […]

  • ixalated

    a gross person on a web cam oh my god, that dude is ixalated!