Scorched Connelly
an alcohol beverage enjoyed in northern canada that consists of 1 oz. of scotch, 12 oz. of molson canadian (or the like), bitters and lime. order is important. the “serpent,” which is a term given by scotch connoisseurs to the alcohol fumes locked in scotch, should be released by a drop or two of distilled water before beer is added. this c-cktail is served primarily to complement the live viewing of any number of recreation-level ice sports, such as hockey, curling or figure skating.
the drink’s name combines a colloquial curling expression given to a type shot delivered with excessive force and no outwardly discernable strategy other than to “let the chips fall where they may,” as well as a popular name of scottish heritage.
a variant that uses rye and ice shavings instead of scotch and water is referred to as a zamboni man.
“we were up by two in the ninth end when andy put his brain in neutral and sent a scorcher into the house that left the other team lying two with a shot to the b-tton for the win. he apologized and promised to buy scorched connellys all night long. we’re good.”
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