Ten Second Murphy
when a male -rg-sms after only ten seconds of masturbation.
what a loser, he must be a ten second murphy!
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- Testarded
the coincidence where a person suddenly forgets everything he has learned in cl-ss during a test. also, the abnormal amount of stupid mistakes a student makes during an exam. i missed 1+3 on the algebra test today, geez i am so testarded. the condition where a person habitually is unable to partic-p-te in routine acts […]
- testicular expectorant
yet another term for seminal fluid, s-m-n, or c-m. babe, if you keep sucking my d-ck, i think i’m going to shoot my testicular expectorant in your mouth.
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to -j-c-l-t- on a girls back and let it dry. after dried, she will peel it off and eat it. 🙂 yo, dawg. your girl seems to be fond of the texas pancake.
- Text Swing
when the conversation of a text takes an all of a sudden change in mood. bob: dude i had this girl wanting me like crazy in a text then when i responded back she sent i hate you and never want to see u again. frank: talk about a text swing
- textument
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