a bald pervert who hangs out in deli windows to scope out small children and/or pets for molestation at a later date. recognised by their offensive odor, jogging suit, and bad teeth.
whoa, marcie did you just see that trager scoping out your beagle. run!
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a mix of mayonnaise, mustard, and ketchup blended by color to the shade of thousand island dressing. usually eaten with potato chips, baked beans, french fries, hot dogs, or hamburgers. made by every white male who has ever been on public -ssistance, lived in a trailer, enjoyed nascar, smoked weed, banged a cousin, worn a […]
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in advertising lingo: a non-event hyped as an event. the term comes from white castle’s 2005 promotional campaign for the “roma tomato burger” – which was essentially their average white castle burger with a slice of tomato on it. the campaign was ridiculed and quickly pulled. “that new campaign’s a tomato burger.”
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