Tumblr followers
the greatest people<3 who are beautiful:),that shouldnt give up <3 i love you all . you are the best <3 i love my tumblr followers , they are so cute/pretty my army of demonic minions -hey how many tumblr followers do you have? -more than you b-tch!
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- Twerkuna Matata
it means move that -ss!it comes from the term hakuna matata. when you are twerking and having a good time you are twerkuna matata. -at the club twerking- girl 1: this is my jammmm!! girl 2: girl you better twerkuna matata!!
- twinkle twinkle little star
what you tell your cute nieces or cute little kids to make them crack up. “twinkle twinkle little star, how i wonder what you are. doodap doopdoopdiddyap..” kids: “hahahahahahaha”
- Twisted Testiphobia
the fear of one’s t-st-cl-s becoming twisted and/or knotted, resulting in deep physical and emotional pain. occurs most often while one is sleeping on his side, or while one’s girlfriend is playing with the t-st-cl-s too aggressively. “struck with the fear of twisted testiphobia, luke hasn’t been able to sleep on his side for 3 […]
- shutki
1)dry fish. preferably the ones that stink real bad before cooking. 2)anorexic guy- wazzup babe?? girl- get lost shutki faced!! dude.. you “stink” like shutki change the dress.. you “look” shutki in this one
- twobird
a term used to describe any action that proverbially “kills two birds with one stone.” particularly, when one manages to defacate and m-st-rb-t- in one solitary trip to the restroom. chris: “yeah i’ll be back in ten.” tim: “give me twenty, i’m going to twobird.” a term used to describe any action that proverbially “kills […]