
[kon-suh l] /ˈkɒn səl/

an official appointed by the government of one country to look after its commercial interests and the welfare of its citizens in another country.
either of the two chief magistrates of the ancient Roman republic.
French History. one of the three supreme magistrates of the First Republic during the period 1799–1804.
an official appointed by a sovereign state to protect its commercial interests and aid its citizens in a foreign city
(in ancient Rome) either of two annually elected magistrates who jointly exercised the highest authority in the republic
(in France from 1799 to 1804) any of the three chief magistrates of the First Republic

late 14c., “magistrate in ancient Rome,” from Old French consule and directly from Latin consul “magistrate in ancient Rome,” probably originally “one who consults the Senate,” from consulere “to deliberate, take counsel” (see consultation).

Modern sense began with use as appellation of various foreign officials and magistrates, “a representative chosen by a community of merchants living in a foreign country; an agent appointed by a government or ruler to represent the interests of its subjects and traders in a foreign place” (c.1600), an extended sense that developed 13c. in the Spanish form of the word.

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Disclaimer: Consulship definition / meaning should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. All content on this website is for informational purposes only.