
Alexander Konstantinovitch
[al-ig-zan-der,, -zahn-,, kon-stuh n-tee-nuh-vich;; Russian uh-lyi-ksahndr kuh n-stuhn-tyee-nuh-vyich] /ˌæl ɪgˈzæn dər,, -ˈzɑn-,, ˌkɒn stənˈti nə vɪtʃ;; Russian ʌ lyɪˈksɑndr kən stʌnˈtyi nə vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1865–1936, Russian composer.
Aleksandr Konstantinovich (alɪkˈsandr kənstanˈtinəvitʃ). 1865–1936, Russian composer, in France from 1928. A pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov, he wrote eight symphonies and concertos for piano and for violin among other works

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