Rescue workers at a New York City rescue center are sadly accustomed to seeing very ill and abused animals. However, when a dog named Astrid arrived on their do...
Cats are some of the most interesting animals and they often defy gravity with their acrobatics. For example, have you ever seen a cat jump on top of the refrig...
A hairless and abandoned pug was discovered crying all alone on the street. When he was finally brought over to a local shelter, things weren't looking so great...
Back in December, one man was off on a trip when he spotted something odd. There in the middle of the desert, he discovered two abandoned puppies. He decided he...
Is there anything more devastating than hearing about a dog being mistreated? When this dog was abandoned it was done in one of the most devastating ways! You w...
What would you do if you were enjoying a round of golf when all of a sudden a wild animal approaches you? That's exactly what happened to one man! You won't bel...
What would you do if you happened to come across three scared and orphaned kittens in the middle of nowhere? Well, one day, a wonderful cat happened to come acr...
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