shitting stars
the “white stars” that are visible when in a state of near blackout due to pushing too hard during the act of defacation sh-tting.
dude, i was hoping that i would have a money sh-t however, those burritos clogged me up good and i saw “sh-tting stars” when i tried to dump.
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- Shit Attack Awareness Level
this scale of measuring ones need for a number. 2 (i.e. dropping the kids off at the pool) is defined from a number between 1 – 10, with 10 being a level so strong you actually cr-p your pants with the occasional loose bowels (diarrhea). we could tell by the way fredrik was running past […]
- Shit candles
aroma sticks a. dude, what is that smell?! b. it’s the sh-t candles my girl just bought. a. pull yourself together. b. what? i kinda like them… the phenomenon when someone fails at wiping their -ss after defecating and proceeds to employ a seat heater (e.g., in an automobile) thereby yielding the aroma of sh-t. […]
- Shitflood
a flood of feces, usually occuring from a clogged toilet i took a sh-t earlier and went back to the bathroom to take another. when i stepped inside i discovered that my toilet got clogged and a m-ssive sh-tflood has engulfed my bathroom in excrement.
- Shitibility
how likely an object or person is to sh-t itself on a regular basis. brad has such high sh-tibility, that all the pandas run away.
- shitler
similar in process to a dirty sanchez. there are 2 times this can be done: 1) when a man, after -n-l s-x, puts his finger inside a girl (or guy’s) -ss and takes alot of sh-t on his finger and wipes the cr-p above the his partner’s lip, which resembles a hitler-like moustache. 2) a […]